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Interface Summary | |
CodeContext.FixUp | A throw-in interface that marks CodeContext.Offset s
as "fix-ups": During the execution of
CodeContext.fixUp() , all "fix-ups" are invoked and
can do last touches to the code attribute. |
IClass.IMember | Base for the members of an IClass . |
Java.Annotation | Representation of a Java ™ annotation. |
Java.ArrayInitializerOrRvalue | The union of Java.ElementValueArrayInitializer and Java.Rvalue . |
Java.BlockStatement | Everything that can be compiled to code, e.g. the statements occurring in the body of a method or in a block, explicit constructor invocations and instance/static initializers. |
Java.DocCommentable | Representation of a Java™ element that can be annotated with a DOC comment ('/** ...
*/ '). |
Java.ElementValue | Base of the possible element values in a Java.NormalAnnotation . |
Java.Locatable | This interface is implemented by objects which are associated with a location in the source code. |
Java.MemberTypeDeclaration | Represents a class or interface declaration where the immediately enclosing scope is another class or interface declaration. |
Java.NamedTypeDeclaration | Represents the declaration of a class or an interface that has a name. |
Java.PackageMemberTypeDeclaration | Represents a class or interface declaration on compilation unit level. |
Java.Scope | Representation of a Java™ 'scope', e.g. a compilation unit, type, method or block. |
Java.TypeArgument | Representation of a JLS7 4.5.1 type argument. |
Java.TypeBodyDeclaration | Representation of a "ClassBodyDeclaration" or an "InterfaceMemberDeclaration". |
Java.TypeDeclaration | Base for the various kinds of type declarations, e.g. top-level class, member interface, local class. |
Visitor.AnnotationVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.Annotation s. |
Visitor.AtomVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.Atom s. |
Visitor.BlockStatementVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.BlockStatement s (statements that may appear with a block). |
Visitor.ComprehensiveVisitor | The union of Visitor.ImportVisitor , Visitor.TypeDeclarationVisitor , Visitor.TypeBodyDeclarationVisitor and
Visitor.AtomVisitor . |
Visitor.ElementValueVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.ElementValue s. |
Visitor.FunctionDeclaratorVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.FunctionDeclarator s. |
Visitor.ImportVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.CompilationUnit.ImportDeclaration s. |
Visitor.LvalueVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.Lvalue s. |
Visitor.RvalueVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.Rvalue s. |
Visitor.TypeArgumentVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.TypeArgument s. |
Visitor.TypeBodyDeclarationVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.TypeBodyDeclaration s (declarations that may appear in the body of a
type declaration). |
Visitor.TypeDeclarationVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.TypeDeclaration s. |
Visitor.TypeVisitor | The visitor for all kinds of Java.Type s. |
Class Summary | |
Access | Return value for IClass.IMember.getAccess() . |
AntCompilerAdapter | A simple for the "ant" tool that silently ignores most of the configuration parameters and attempts to compile all given source files into class files. |
ByteArrayClassLoader | This allows for the loading of a set of Java™ classes provided in class file format. |
CachingJavaSourceClassLoader | A JavaSourceClassLoader that uses a resource storage provided by the application to cache
compiled classes and thus saving unnecessary recompilations. |
ClassBodyEvaluator | The optionalClassLoader serves two purposes:
It is used to look for classes referenced by the class body. |
ClassFileIClass | A wrapper object that turns a ClassFile object into an IClass . |
ClassLoaderIClassLoader | An IClassLoader that loads IClass es through a reflection . |
CodeContext | The context of the compilation of a function (constructor or method). |
Compiler | A simplified substitute for the javac tool. |
Compiler.SimpleWarningHandler | Prints warnings to STDERR. |
CompilerFactory | The JANINO implementation of ICompilerFactory . |
Descriptor | Helper class that defines useful methods for handling "field descriptors" (JVMS 4.3.2) and "method descriptors" (JVMS 4.3.3). |
ExpressionEvaluator | This IExpressionEvaluator is implemented by creating and compiling a temporary
compilation unit defining one class with one static method with one RETURN statement. |
FilterWarningHandler | Invokes a delegate iff the handle of the warning matches one or more of a set of StringPattern s. |
IClass | A simplified equivalent to "java.lang.reflect". |
IClassLoader | Loads an IClass by type name. |
Java | This wrapper class defines classes that represent the elements of the Java™ programming language. |
Java.AbstractTypeBodyDeclaration | Abstract implementation of Java.TypeBodyDeclaration . |
Java.AbstractTypeDeclaration | Abstract implementation of Java.TypeDeclaration . |
Java.AlternateConstructorInvocation | Representation of a JLS7 |
Java.AmbiguousName | Representation of a JLS7 6.5.2 'ambiguous name'. |
Java.AnonymousClassDeclaration | Representation of a JLS7 15.9.5 'anonymous class declaration'. |
Java.ArrayAccessExpression | Representation of a JLS7 15.13 'array access expression'. |
Java.ArrayInitializer | Representation of a JLS7 10.6 'array initializer'. |
Java.ArrayLength | Representation of the JLS7 10.7 array type 'length' pseudo-member. |
Java.ArrayType | Representation of a JLS7 10.1 'array type'. |
Java.AssertStatement | Representation of the JLS7 14.10 ASSERT statement. |
Java.Assignment | Representation of all JLS7 15.26 assignments. |
Java.Atom | Abstract base class for Java.Type , Java.Rvalue and Java.Lvalue . |
Java.BasicType | Representation of a JLS7 18 "basic type" (obviously equivalent to a JLS7 4.2 "primitive type"). |
Java.BinaryOperation | Representation of all non-operand-modifying binary operations. |
Java.Block | Representation of a Java™ "block" (JLS7 14.2). |
Java.BooleanLiteral | Representation of a "boolean literal" (JLS7 3.10.3) (type boolean ). |
Java.BooleanRvalue | Base class for Java.Rvalue s that compile better as conditional branches. |
Java.BreakableStatement | Base class for statements that can be terminated abnormally with a "break" statement. |
Java.BreakStatement | Representation of the JLS7 14.15 BREAK statement. |
Java.Cast | Representation of a JLS7 15.16 'cast expression'. |
Java.CatchClause | Representation of a JLS7 14.20.1 CATCH clause. |
Java.CharacterLiteral | Representation of a "character literal" (JLS7 3.10.4) (type char ). |
Java.ClassDeclaration | Base for the various class declaration kinds. |
Java.ClassLiteral | Representation of a JLS7 15.8.2 'class literal'. |
Java.CompilationUnit | Holds the result of Parser.parseCompilationUnit() . |
Java.CompilationUnit.ImportDeclaration | Base class for the various IMPORT declarations. |
Java.CompilationUnit.SingleStaticImportDeclaration | Represents a single static import declaration like import java.util.Collections.EMPTY_MAP; |
Java.CompilationUnit.SingleTypeImportDeclaration | Represents a 'single-type import declaration' like 'import java.util.Map; '. |
Java.CompilationUnit.StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration | Represents a static-import-on-demand declaration like import java.util.Collections. |
Java.CompilationUnit.TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration | Represents a type-import-on-demand declaration like import java.util.*; . |
Java.ConditionalExpression | Representation of a JLS7 15.25 'conditional operation'. |
Java.ConstructorDeclarator | Representation of a constructor declarator. |
Java.ConstructorInvocation | Abstract bas class for Java.SuperConstructorInvocation and Java.AlternateConstructorInvocation . |
Java.ContinuableStatement | Base class for statements that support the 'continue' statement. |
Java.ContinueStatement | Representation of the JLS7 14.16 CONTINUE statement. |
Java.Crement | Representation of a JLS7 15.14.2 'postfix increment operation', a JLS7 15.14.3 'postfix decrement operation', a JLS7 15.15.1 'prefix increment operation' or a JLS7 15.15.2 'prefix decrement operation'. |
Java.DoStatement | Representation of a JLS7 14.13 DO statement. |
Java.ElementValueArrayInitializer | An element value in the form of an array initializer, e.g. |
Java.ElementValuePair | Representation of a 'name = value' element in a Java.NormalAnnotation . |
Java.EmptyStatement | Representation of the "empty statement", i.e. the blank semicolon. |
Java.EnclosingScopeOfTypeDeclaration | Lazily determines and returns the enclosing Java.Scope of the given Java.TypeDeclaration . |
Java.ExpressionStatement | Representation of the JLS7 14.8 'expression statement'. |
Java.FieldAccess | Representation of an access to a field of a class or an interface. |
Java.FieldAccessExpression | Representation of a JLS7 15.11 'field access expression', including the "array length" pseudo field access. |
Java.FieldDeclaration | This class is derived from "Statement", because it provides for the initialization of the field. |
Java.FloatingPointLiteral | Representation of a "floating-point literal" (JLS7 3.10.2) (types float and double ). |
Java.ForEachStatement | Representation of a JLS7 14.14.2 'enhanced FOR statement'. |
Java.ForStatement | Representation of a JLS7 14.14.1 'basic FOR statement'. |
Java.FunctionDeclarator | Abstract base class for Java.ConstructorDeclarator and Java.MethodDeclarator . |
Java.FunctionDeclarator.FormalParameter | Representation of a (formal) function parameter. |
Java.FunctionDeclarator.FormalParameters | Representation of the (formal) function parameters. |
Java.IfStatement | Representation of a JLS7 14.9 IF statement. |
Java.Initializer | Representation of an 'instance initializer' (JLS7 8.6) or 'static initializer' (JLS7 8.7). |
Java.Instanceof | Representation of a JLS7 15.20.2 'type comparison operation'. |
Java.IntegerLiteral | Representation of an "integer literal" (JLS7 3.10.1) (types int and long ). |
Java.InterfaceDeclaration | Base for the various interface declaration kinds. |
Java.Invocation | Abstract base class for Java.MethodInvocation and Java.SuperclassMethodInvocation . |
Java.LabeledStatement | Representation of a JLS7 14.7 'labeled statement'. |
Java.Literal | Abstract base class for the various Java™ literals; see JLS7 3.10. |
Java.LocalClassDeclaration | Representation of a 'local class declaration' i.e. a class declaration that appears inside a method body. |
Java.LocalClassDeclarationStatement | Representation of the JLS7 14.3 'local class declaration statement'. |
Java.LocalVariable | Representation of a local variable while it is in scope during compilation. |
Java.LocalVariableAccess | Representation of a local variable access -- used during compilation. |
Java.LocalVariableDeclarationStatement | Representation of a JLS7 14.4 'local variable declaration statement'. |
Java.LocalVariableSlot | All local variables have a slot number; local variables that get written into the 'localvariabletable' also have a start and end offset that defines the variable's extent in the bytecode. |
Java.Located | Abstract implementation of Java.Locatable . |
Java.Lvalue | Representation of an "lvalue", i.e. an expression that has a type and a value, and can be assigned to: An expression that can be the left-hand-side of an assignment. |
Java.MarkerAnnotation | Repreentation of a 'marker annotation', i.e. an annotation without any elements in parentheses. |
Java.MemberClassDeclaration | Representation of a 'member class declaration', i.e. a class declaration that appears inside another class declaration. |
Java.MemberInterfaceDeclaration | Representation of a 'member interface declaration', i.e. an interface declaration that appears inside another class or interface declaration. |
Java.MethodDeclarator | Representation of a method declarator. |
Java.MethodInvocation | Representation of a JLS7 15.12 'method invocation expression'. |
Java.Modifiers | Representation of the modifier flags and annotations that are associated with a declaration. |
Java.NamedClassDeclaration | Base for the various named class declarations. |
Java.NewAnonymousClassInstance | Representation of a JLS7 15.9 'anonymous class instance creation expression'. |
Java.NewArray | Representation of a JLS7 15.10 'array creation expression'. |
Java.NewClassInstance | Representation of a JLS7 'class instance creation expression'. |
Java.NewInitializedArray | Representation of a JLS7 15.10 'array creation expression'. |
Java.NormalAnnotation | A 'normal annotation', i.e. an annotation with multiple elements in parentheses and curly braces. |
Java.NullLiteral | Representation of a "null literal" (JLS7 3.10.7). |
Java.Package | Representation of a JLS7 'package name'. |
Java.PackageDeclaration | Representation of a package declaration like package com.acme.tools; . |
Java.PackageMemberClassDeclaration | Implementation of a 'package member class declaration', a.k.a. |
Java.PackageMemberInterfaceDeclaration | Representation of a 'package member interface declaration', a.k.a. |
Java.ParameterAccess | 'Artificial' operation for accessing the parameters of the synthetic constructor of an anonymous class. |
Java.ParenthesizedExpression | Representation of a JLS7 15.8.5 'parenthesized expression'. |
Java.QualifiedThisReference | Representation of an JLS7 15.8.4 access to the current object or an enclosing instance. |
Java.ReferenceType | representation of a JLS7 4.3 reference type. |
Java.ReturnStatement | Representation of the JLS7 14.17 RETURN statement. |
Java.Rvalue | Representation of an "rvalue", i.e. an expression that has a type and a value, but cannot be assigned to: An expression that can be the right-hand-side of an assignment. |
Java.RvalueMemberType | Representation of the first part of a JLS7 15.9 'Qualified class instance creation expression': The 'a.new MyClass' part of 'a.new MyClass(...)'. |
Java.SimpleConstant | This class is not used when code is parsed; it is intended for "programmatic" literals. |
Java.SimpleType | This class is not used when code is parsed; it is intended for "programmatic" types. |
Java.SingleElementAnnotation | Representation of a 'single-element annotation', i.e. an annotation followed by a single element in parentheses. |
Java.Statement | Everything that can occur in the body of a method or in a block. |
Java.StringLiteral | Representation of a "string literal" (JLS7 3.10.5) (type ). |
Java.SuperclassFieldAccessExpression | Representation of an JLS7 'superclass field access expression', e.g. |
Java.SuperclassMethodInvocation | Representation of a JLS7 'superclass method invocation'. |
Java.SuperConstructorInvocation | Representation of a JLS7 |
Java.SwitchStatement | The JLS7 14.10 "switch" Statement. |
Java.SwitchStatement.SwitchBlockStatementGroup | Representation of a 'switch block statement group' as defined in JLS7 14.11. |
Java.SynchronizedStatement | Representation of a JLS7 14.9 SYNCHRONIZED statement. |
Java.ThisReference | Representation of an JLS7 15.8.3 access to the innermost enclosing instance. |
Java.ThrowStatement | Representation of a JLS7 14.18 THROW statement. |
Java.TryStatement | Representation of a JLS7 14.20 TRY statement. |
Java.Type | Representation of a Java™ type. |
Java.TypeParameter | Representation of a type parameter (which declares a type variable). |
Java.UnaryOperation | Representation of a JLS7 15.15.3 'unary plus operator', a JLS7 15.15.4 'unary minus operator', a JLS7 15.15.5 'bitwise complement operator' or a JLS7 15.15.6 'logical complement operator'. |
Java.VariableDeclarator | Used by FieldDeclaration and LocalVariableDeclarationStatement. |
Java.WhileStatement | Representation of the JLS7 14.2 WHILE statement. |
Java.Wildcard | Representation of a JLS7 4.5.1 'wildcard'. |
JavaSourceClassLoader | A that, unlike usual s, does not load byte code, but reads Java™ source code and then scans, parses, compiles and loads it into the virtual machine. |
JavaSourceIClassLoader | This IClassLoader finds, scans and parses compilation units. |
MethodDescriptor | Representation of a "method descriptor" (JVMS 4.3.3). |
Mod | This class defines constants and convenience methods for the handling of modifiers as defined by the JVM. |
Parser | A parser for the Java™ programming language. |
Parser.ClassDeclarationContext | Enumerator for the kinds of context where a class declaration can occur. |
Parser.InterfaceDeclarationContext | Enumerator for the kinds of context where an interface declaration can occur. |
ResourceFinderIClassLoader | This IClassLoader loads IClasses through a
a ResourceFinder that designates
ClassFile s. |
Scanner | Splits up a character stream into tokens and returns them as objects. |
ScriptEvaluator | A number of "convenience constructors" exist that execute the setup steps instantly. |
SimpleCompiler | To set up a SimpleCompiler object, proceed as described for ISimpleCompiler . |
UnicodeUnescapeReader | A that unescapes the "Unicode Escapes" as described in JLS7 3.10.6. |
UnitCompiler | This class actually implements the Java™ compiler. |
UnitCompiler.SimpleIField | Short-hand implementation of IClass.IField that implements a non-constant, non-static,
package-accessible field. |
UnparseVisitor | A visitor that unparses (un-compiles) an AST to a . |
Visitor | Basis for the "visitor" pattern as described in "Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides: Design Patterns". |
Exception Summary | |
JaninoRuntimeException | All Janino components that throw throw this subclass to allow for client libraries to intercept them more easily. |
UnicodeUnescapeException | Represents a problem that occurred while unescaping a unicode escape
sequence through a UnicodeUnescapeReader . |
The classes in this package pose the core of the Janino JavaTM compiler.
The package comprises a scanner (Scanner
, a parser (Parser
and a class file library. The parser builds a syntax tree from the "Java.*" classes that represents the parsed code.
The UnitCompiler.compileUnit(boolean, boolean, boolean)
method compiles this syntax tree into a ClassFile
object, which can write JavaTM bytecode to an "OutputStream".
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