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PACKAGE - Static variable in class net.janino.IClass
Return value for IClass.IMember.getAccess().
PACKAGE - Static variable in class net.janino.Mod
parseAdditiveExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
AdditiveExpression := MultiplicativeExpression { ( '+' | '-' ) MultiplicativeExpression }
parseAndExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
AndExpression := EqualityExpression { '&' EqualityExpression }
parseArgumentList(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ArgumentList := Expression { ',' Expression }
parseArguments(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
Arguments := '(' [ ArgumentList ] ')'
parseArrayInitializer(Java.Scope, Java.ArrayType) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ArrayInitializer := '{' [ VariableInitializer { ',' VariableInitializer } [ ',' ] '}'
parseAssignmentExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
AssignmentExpression := ConditionalExpression [ AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression ] AssignmentOperator := '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|='
parseBlock(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
'{' BlockStatements '}'
parseBlockStatement(Java.Block) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
BlockStatement := { Identifier ':' } ( ( Modifiers Type | ModifiersOpt BasicType ) VariableDeclarators ';' | 'class' ...
parseBlockStatements(Java.Block) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
BlockStatements := { BlockStatement }
parseBracketsOpt() - Method in class net.janino.Parser
BracketsOpt := { '[' ']' }
parseBreakStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
BreakStatement := 'break' [ Identifier ] ';'
parseClassBody(Java.ClassDeclaration) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ClassBody := '{' { ClassBodyDeclaration } '}'
parseClassBodyDeclaration(Java.ClassDeclaration) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ClassBodyDeclaration := ';' | ModifiersOpt ( Block | 'void' Identifier MethodDeclaratorRest | 'class' ClassDeclarationRest | 'interface' InterfaceDeclarationRest | ConstructorDeclarator | Type Identifier ( MethodDeclaratorRest | VariableDeclaratorsRest ) )
parseClassDeclarationRest(Java.Scope, short) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ClassDeclarationRest := Identifier [ 'extends' ReferenceType ] [ 'implements' ReferenceTypeList ] ClassBody
parseClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration := ModifiersOpt 'class' ClassDeclarationRest | ModifiersOpt 'interface' InterfaceDeclarationRest
parseCompilationUnit() - Method in class net.janino.Parser
CompilationUnit := [ 'package' QualifiedIdentifier ';' ] { ImportDeclaration } { TypeDeclaration }
parseConditionalAndExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ConditionalAndExpression := InclusiveOrExpression { '&&' InclusiveOrExpression }
parseConditionalExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ConditionalExpression := ConditionalOrExpression [ '?'
parseConditionalOrExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ConditionalOrExpression := ConditionalAndExpression { '||' ConditionalAndExpression ]
parseConstructorDeclarator(Java.ClassDeclaration, short) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ConstructorDeclarator := FormalParameters [ 'throws' ReferenceTypeList ] '{' [ 'this' Arguments ';' | 'super' Arguments ';' ] BlockStatements '}'
parseContinueStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ContinueStatement := 'continue' [ Identifier ] ';'
parseDimExprs(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
DimExprs := { '[' Expression ']' }
parseDoStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
DoStatement := 'do' Statement 'while' '(' Expression ')' ';'
parseEqualityExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
EqualityExpression := RelationalExpression { ( '==' | '!
parseExclusiveOrExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ExclusiveOrExpression := AndExpression { '^' AndExpression }
parseExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
Expression := AssignmentExpression
parseExpressionStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ExpressionStatement := Expression
parseFormalParameter(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
FormalParameter := [ 'final' ] Type Identifier BracketsOpt
parseFormalParameters(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
FormalParameters := '(' [ FormalParameter { ',' FormalParameter } ] ')'
parseForStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ForStatement := 'for' '(' [ ForInit ] ';' [ Expression ] ';' [ StatementExpressionList ] ')' Statement
parseIfStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
IfStatement := 'if' '(' Expression ')' Statement [ 'else' Statement ]
parseImportDeclaration(Java.CompilationUnit) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ImportDeclaration := 'import' Identifier { '.'
parseInclusiveOrExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
InclusiveOrExpression := ExclusiveOrExpression { '|' ExclusiveOrExpression }
parseInterfaceBody(Java.InterfaceDeclaration) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
InterfaceBody := '{' { ';' | ModifiersOpt ( 'void' Identifier MethodDeclaratorRest | 'class' ClassDeclarationRest | 'interface' InterfaceDeclarationRest | Type Identifier ( MethodDeclaratorRest | VariableDeclaratorsRest ) ) } '}'
parseInterfaceDeclarationRest(Java.Scope, short) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
InterfaceDeclarationRest := Identifier [ 'extends' ReferenceTypeList ] InterfaceBody
parseLabeledStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
LabeledStatement := Identifier ':' Statement
parseLiteral() - Method in class net.janino.Parser
parseMethodBody(Java.FunctionDeclarator) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
MethodBody := Block
parseMethodDeclaratorRest(Java.ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration, short, Java.Type, String) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
MethodDeclaratorRest := FormalParameters | [ 'throws' ReferenceTypeList ] ( ';' | MethodBody )
parseModifiersOpt() - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ModifiersOpt := { 'public' | 'protected' | 'private' | 'static' | 'abstract' | 'final' | 'native' | 'synchronized' | 'transient' | 'volatile' | 'strictfp'
parseMultiplicativeExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
MultiplicativeExpression := UnaryExpression { ( '*' | '/' | '%' ) UnaryExpression }
parsePrimary(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
Primary := '(' PrimitiveType { '[]' } ')' UnaryExpression | // CastExpression 15.16 '(' Expression ')' UnaryExpression | // CastExpression 15.16 '(' Expression ')' | // ParenthesizedExpression 15.8.5 Literal | // Literal 15.8.1 Name | // AmbiguousName Name Arguments | // MethodInvocation Name '[]' { '[]' } | // ArrayType 10.1 Name '[]' { '[]' } '.'
parseQualifiedIdentifier() - Method in class net.janino.Parser
QualifiedIdentifier := Identifier { '.'
Parser - class net.janino.Parser.
Implementation of a simplified compiler for the JavaTM programming language.
Parser.ParseException - exception net.janino.Parser.ParseException.
An exception that reflects an error during parsing.
Parser.ParseException(String, Scanner.Location) - Constructor for class net.janino.Parser.ParseException
Parser(Scanner) - Constructor for class net.janino.Parser
parseReferenceType(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ReferenceType := QualifiedIdentifier
parseReferenceTypeList(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ReferenceTypeList := ReferenceType { ',' ReferenceType }
parseRelationalExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
RelationalExpression := ShiftExpression { ( ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) ShiftExpression ) | ( 'instanceof' ReferenceType ) }
parseReturnStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ReturnStatement := 'return' [ Expression ] ';'
parseSelector(Java.Scope, Java.Atom) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
Selector := '.'
parseShiftExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ShiftExpression := AdditiveExpression { ( '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' ) AdditiveExpression }
parseStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
Statement := LabeledStatement | Block | IfStatement | ForStatement | WhileStatement | DoStatement | TryStatement | 'switch' ...
parseStatementExpressionList(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
StatementExpressionList := ExpressionStatement { ',' ExpressionStatement }
parseSwitchStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
SwitchStatement := 'switch' '(' Expression ')' '{' { SwitchLabels BlockStatements } '}' SwitchLabels := SwitchLabels { SwitchLabels } SwitchLabel := 'case' Expression ':' | 'default' ':'
parseSynchronizedStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
SynchronizedStatement := 'synchronized' '(' expression ')' Block
parseThrowStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
ThrowStatement := 'throw' Expression ';'
parseTryStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
TryStatement := 'try' Block Catches [ Finally ] | 'try' Block Finally Catches := CatchClause { CatchClause } CatchClause := 'catch' '(' FormalParameter ')' Block Finally := 'finally' Block
parseType(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
Type := ( 'byte' | 'short' | 'char' | 'int' | 'long' | 'float' | 'double' | 'boolean' | QualifiedIdentifier ) { '[' ']' }
parseTypeDeclaration(Java.CompilationUnit) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
TypeDeclaration := ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration
parseUnaryExpression(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
UnaryExpression := { PrefixOperator } Primary { Selector } { PostfixOperator } PrefixOperator := '++' | '--' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!'
parseVariableDeclarator(Java.Scope, Java.Type) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
VariableDeclarator := Identifier VariableDeclaratorRest
parseVariableDeclaratorRest(Java.Scope, Java.Type, String) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
VariableDeclaratorRest := { '[' ']' } [ '=' VariableInitializer ]
parseVariableDeclarators(Java.Scope, Java.Type) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
VariableDeclarators := VariableDeclarator { ',' VariableDeclarator }
parseVariableDeclaratorsRest(Java.Scope, Java.Type, String) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
VariableDeclaratorsRest := VariableDeclaratorRest { ',' VariableDeclarator }
parseVariableInitializer(Java.Scope, Java.Type) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
VariableInitializer := ArrayInitializer | Expression
parseWhileStatement(Java.Scope) - Method in class net.janino.Parser
WhileStatement := 'while' '(' Expression ')' Statement
peek() - Method in class net.janino.Scanner
Peek the next token, but don't remove it from the input.
peekNextButOne() - Method in class net.janino.Scanner
Peek the next but one token, neither remove the next nor the next but one token from the input.
POP - Static variable in interface net.janino.Opcode
POP2 - Static variable in interface net.janino.Opcode
popInserter() - Method in class net.janino.ClassFile.CodeAttribute
Replace the current ClassFile.CodeAttribute.Inserter with the remembered one (see ClassFile.CodeAttribute.pushInserter(ClassFile.CodeAttribute.Inserter)).
PPP - Static variable in class net.janino.Mod
prev - Variable in class net.janino.ClassFile.CodeAttribute.Offset
PRIVATE - Static variable in class net.janino.IClass
Return value for IClass.IMember.getAccess().
PRIVATE - Static variable in class net.janino.Mod
PROTECTED - Static variable in class net.janino.IClass
Return value for IClass.IMember.getAccess().
PROTECTED - Static variable in class net.janino.Mod
PUBLIC - Static variable in class net.janino.IClass
Return value for IClass.IMember.getAccess().
PUBLIC - Static variable in class net.janino.Mod
pushInserter(ClassFile.CodeAttribute.Inserter) - Method in class net.janino.ClassFile.CodeAttribute
Remember the current ClassFile.CodeAttribute.Inserter, then replace it with the new one.
PUTFIELD - Static variable in interface net.janino.Opcode
PUTSTATIC - Static variable in interface net.janino.Opcode

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