-- an Embedded JavaTM Compiler



Download the latest version of Janino:

Janino package (signed JAR file, javadoc documentation files and complete source code):
janino-2.5.15.zip (1717050 bytes)
Signed JAR file:
janino.jar (463412 bytes)

For reference, previous versions of JANINO are also available.


Unzip the ZIP file you have downloaded:

    $ jar xvf janino-2.5.15.zip
Change to the Janino directory
    $ cd janino-2.5.15
You will find the Janino JAR file, the JAVADOC documentation, and the complete source code.

To compile the demo programs, run

    $ mkdir classes
    $ javac -classpath lib/janino.jar -sourcepath src -d classes \
    > src/org/codehaus/janino/samples/ExpressionDemo.java \
    > src/org/codehaus/janino/samples/ScriptDemo.java \
    > src/org/codehaus/janino/samples/ClassBodyDemo.java
To learn how to use the demo programs, run:
    $ java -classpath lib/janino.jar:classes org.codehaus.janino.samples.ExpressionDemo -help
    $ java -classpath lib/janino.jar:classes org.codehaus.janino.samples.ScriptDemo -help
    $ java -classpath lib/janino.jar:classes org.codehaus.janino.samples.ClassBodyDemo -help
Notice: On MS Windows, the classpath separator is ";", not ":".

To compile the source code:

    $ mkdir classes
    $ javac -sourcepath src -d classes src/org/codehaus/janino/Compiler.java
You will find the Janino class file in the classes subdirectory.

To generate the JAR file, run:

    $ jar cf lib/janino.jar -C classes org/codehaus/janino

To generate the JAVADOC documentation, run:

    $ mkdir javadoc
    $ javadoc -splitindex -package -doctitle "Janino 2.5.15" \
    > -windowtitle "Janino 2.5.15" -overview src/overview.html -sourcepath src \
    > -classpath classes -d javadoc org.codehaus.janino org.codehaus.janino.samples
You will find the JAVADOC documentation in the javadoc subdirectory.


The source code of the ShippingCost class demonstrates how easy it is to use Janino as an expression evaluator.

The ExpressionDemo class implements a command line-based test environment for the expression evaluator (see also its source code).

The ScriptDemo class implements a command line-based test environment for the script evaluator (see also its source code).

The ClassBodyDemo class implements a command line-based test environment for the class body evaluator (see also its source code).

The DeclarationCounter class implements a command-line utility that counts class, interface, field and local variable declarations in a set of JavaTM source files (see also its source code).

Copyright @2023 . janino. All Rights Reserved .