
Class Compiler

  extended by org.codehaus.janino.Compiler

public class Compiler

A simplified substitute for the javac tool. Usage:

 java org.codehaus.janino.Compiler \
           [ -d destination-dir ] \
           [ -sourcepath dirlist ] \
           [ -classpath dirlist ] \
           [ -extdirs dirlist ] \
           [ -bootclasspath dirlist ] \
           [ -encoding encoding ] \
           [ -verbose ] \
           [ -g:none ] \
           [ -g:{source,lines,vars} ] \
           [ -warn:pattern-list ] \
           source-file ...
 java org.codehaus.janino.Compiler -help

Nested Class Summary
static class Compiler.SimpleWarningHandler
          Prints warnings to STDERR.
Field Summary
static ResourceCreator CREATE_NEXT_TO_SOURCE_FILE
          Special value for "classFileResourceCreator".
          The default value for the warningHandlerPatterns parameter of Compiler(File[], File[], File[], File[], File, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, StringPattern[], boolean).
static ResourceFinder FIND_NEXT_TO_SOURCE_FILE
          Special value for "classFileResourceFinder".
          Backwards compatibility -- previously, "null" was officially documented.
Constructor Summary
Compiler([] optionalSourcePath, [] classPath, [] optionalExtDirs, [] optionalBootClassPath,  destinationDirectory,  optionalCharacterEncoding, boolean verbose, boolean debugSource, boolean debugLines, boolean debugVars, StringPattern[] warningHandlePatterns, boolean rebuild)
          Initialize a Java™ compiler with the given parameters.
Compiler(ResourceFinder sourceFinder, IClassLoader iClassLoader, ResourceFinder classFileFinder, ResourceCreator classFileCreator,  optionalCharacterEncoding, boolean verbose, boolean debugSource, boolean debugLines, boolean debugVars, WarningHandler optionalWarningHandler)
          To mimic the behavior of JAVAC with a missing "-d" command line option, pass FIND_NEXT_TO_SOURCE_FILE as the classFileResourceFinder and CREATE_NEXT_TO_SOURCE_FILE as the classFileResourceCreator.
Method Summary
 boolean compile([] sourceFiles)
          Reads a set of Java™ compilation units (a.k.a.
 boolean compile(Resource[] sourceResources)
          See compile(File[]).
static  getClassFile( className,  sourceFile,  optionalDestinationDirectory)
          Construct the name of a file that could store the byte code of the class with the given name.
static void main([] args)
          Command line interface.
 void setCompileErrorHandler(ErrorHandler optionalCompileErrorHandler)
          Install a custom ErrorHandler.
 void setWarningHandler(WarningHandler optionalWarningHandler)
          By default, warnings are discarded, but an application my install a custom Compiler.SimpleWarningHandler.
 void storeClassFile(ClassFile classFile,  sourceFile)
          Store the byte code of this ClassFile in the file system.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.
, , , , , , , , , ,

Field Detail


public static final ResourceFinder FIND_NEXT_TO_SOURCE_FILE
Special value for "classFileResourceFinder".


public static final ResourceCreator CREATE_NEXT_TO_SOURCE_FILE
Special value for "classFileResourceCreator".


public static final  NO_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY
Backwards compatibility -- previously, "null" was officially documented.


public static final StringPattern[] DEFAULT_WARNING_HANDLE_PATTERNS
The default value for the warningHandlerPatterns parameter of Compiler(File[], File[], File[], File[], File, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, StringPattern[], boolean).

Constructor Detail


public Compiler([] optionalSourcePath,
                [] classPath,
                [] optionalExtDirs,
                [] optionalBootClassPath,
                boolean verbose,
                boolean debugSource,
                boolean debugLines,
                boolean debugVars,
                StringPattern[] warningHandlePatterns,
                boolean rebuild)
Initialize a Java™ compiler with the given parameters.

Classes are searched in the following order:

The file name of a class file that represents class "pkg.Example" is determined as follows:

See Also:


public Compiler(ResourceFinder sourceFinder,
                IClassLoader iClassLoader,
                ResourceFinder classFileFinder,
                ResourceCreator classFileCreator,
                boolean verbose,
                boolean debugSource,
                boolean debugLines,
                boolean debugVars,
                WarningHandler optionalWarningHandler)
To mimic the behavior of JAVAC with a missing "-d" command line option, pass FIND_NEXT_TO_SOURCE_FILE as the classFileResourceFinder and CREATE_NEXT_TO_SOURCE_FILE as the classFileResourceCreator.

If it is impossible to check whether an already-compiled class file exists, or if you want to enforce recompilation, pass ResourceFinder.EMPTY_RESOURCE_FINDER as the classFileResourceFinder.

sourceFinder - Finds extra Java compilation units that need to be compiled (a.k.a. "-sourcepath")
iClassLoader - Loads auxiliary IClasses (a.k.a. "-classpath"), e.g. new ClassLoaderIClassLoader(ClassLoader)
classFileFinder - Where to look for up-to-date class files that need not be compiled (a.k.a. "-d")
classFileCreator - Used to store generated class files (a.k.a. "-d")
optionalWarningHandler - Used to issue warnings
Method Detail


public static void main([] args)
Command line interface.


public void setCompileErrorHandler(ErrorHandler optionalCompileErrorHandler)
Install a custom ErrorHandler. The default ErrorHandler prints the first 20 compile errors to and then throws a CompileException.

Passing null restores the default ErrorHandler.

Notice that scan and parse errors are not redirected to this ErrorHandler, instead, they cause a CompileException to be thrown. Also, the Compiler may choose to throw CompileExceptions in certain, fatal compile error situations, even if an ErrorHandler is installed.

In other words: In situations where compilation can reasonably continue after a compile error, the ErrorHandler is called; all other error conditions cause a CompileException to be thrown.


public void setWarningHandler(WarningHandler optionalWarningHandler)
By default, warnings are discarded, but an application my install a custom Compiler.SimpleWarningHandler.

optionalWarningHandler - null to indicate that no warnings be issued


public boolean compile([] sourceFiles)
                throws CompileException,
Reads a set of Java™ compilation units (a.k.a. "source files") from the file system, compiles them into a set of "class files" and stores these in the file system. Additional source files are parsed and compiled on demand through the "source path" set of directories.

For example, if the source path comprises the directories "A/B" and "../C", then the source file for class "com.acme.Main" is searched in

Notice that it does make a difference whether you pass multiple source files to compile(File[]) or if you invoke compile(File[]) multiply: In the former case, the source files may contain arbitrary references among each other (even circular ones). In the latter case, only the source files on the source path may contain circular references, not the sourceFiles.

This method must be called exactly once after object construction.

Compile errors are reported as described at setCompileErrorHandler(ErrorHandler).

sourceFiles - Contain the compilation units to compile
true for backwards compatibility (return value can safely be ignored)
CompileException - Fatal compilation error, or the CompileException thrown be the installed compile error handler
- Occurred when reading from the sourceFiles


public boolean compile(Resource[] sourceResources)
                throws CompileException,
See compile(File[]).

sourceResources - Contain the compilation units to compile
true for backwards compatibility (return value can safely be ignored)


public static  getClassFile( className,
Construct the name of a file that could store the byte code of the class with the given name.

If optionalDestinationDirectory is non-null, the returned path is the optionalDestinationDirectory plus the package of the class (with dots replaced with file separators) plus the class name plus ".class". Example: "destdir/pkg1/pkg2/Outer$Inner.class"

If optionalDestinationDirectory is null, the returned path is the directory of the sourceFile plus the class name plus ".class". Example: "srcdir/Outer$Inner.class"

className - E.g. "pkg1.pkg2.Outer$Inner"
sourceFile - E.g. "srcdir/Outer.java"
optionalDestinationDirectory - E.g. "destdir"


public void storeClassFile(ClassFile classFile,
Store the byte code of this ClassFile in the file system. Directories are created as necessary.

classFile -
sourceFile - Required to compute class file path if no destination directory given
